Please note that any orders placed after Wednesday 18th December may not arrive before 25th December. All orders placed after Monday 23rd December will be shipped after January 2nd 2025.

Message in a Bottle - a slim glass bottle with cork and kraft paper label containing a blank sheet of cream parchment style paper for you to write your own message on.
Message in a Bottle - glass bottle pictured with cork removed and paper inside lifted out but still scrolled up in red twine.

Message in a Bottle

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Bequeath your otherworldly wisdom, secret spells and messages of eternal love to someone special - the good old-fashioned way, because telepathy just isn't as romantic. Instructions for use: inscribe message on parchment scroll provided using pencil, ink, or blood (if desired). Use prompt sheet for help if you're struggling to find the right words. Once dry, roll parchment and attach retrieval device to end. Place scroll in bottle and seal. Deliver to subject or, if shy, leave in a conspicuous place and run away.

Notes for mortals:
Decorative corked bottle with paper scroll.

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