Set in Mary King's Close, an exciting historical adventure featuring a young boy - Tom Afflick who finds himself transported from Edinburgh in 2012 and apprenticed to a plague doctor in Edinburgh in 1645.
Young Tom Afflick has never felt so alone. His parents have split up and his mother has relocated him, hundreds of miles away from his home in Manchester to the unfamiliar city of Edinburgh. At his new school, Tom is simply known as 'The Manc' - a blow-in, an outsider. On a routine school trip to the historic site of Mary King's Close, Tom follows the ghostly figure of a young girl - only to find himself transported back in time to 1645, the year of the Edinburgh plague. Apprenticed against his will to a violent plague doctor, Tom needs to use all of his modern-day skills in order to survive, while he desperately searches for a way back to his own time.
Suitable for readers from 12 years.
Author: Philip Caveney
Notes for Mortals:
Publisher: Fledgling Press
ISBN: 9781905916559
Number of pages: 242
Dimensions: 12.9 x 1.3 x 19.8 cm
Published: 08/11/2012