Image shows a brown pin board with a sign reading Pen Pal Post in the middle, and eight character silhouettes and their information posted around it. Characters are a unicorn, a skeleton, a witch, a dragon, a wizard, a fairy, a group of trolls, and a giant.
Character bio for Jacob Hunter (The Yorkshire Roar). Image shows the silhouette of a dragon holding a fork. Bio reads as follows -  Magical Identity: Dragon. Fun Fact: Jacob is looking for like-minded beings to help set up and run a neighbourhood watch programme. Favourite: Jacob enjoys an exfoliating scale scrub made from silt from the bottom of Ladybower reservoir.
Character bio for Flicker the Fairy. Image shows the silhouette of a fairy waving a wand and walking a beetle on a leash. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Fairy. Fun Fact: Flicker has a fascination with mortal aeroplanes and her hero is Amelia Earhart. Favourite: Flicker's favourite colour is red just like her favourite aerial stunt flight team the Red Sparrows.
Character bio for Ham the Giant. Image shows the silhouette of a giant pair of legs and feet in scruffy trousers. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Giant. Fun Fact: Ham is the current trophy holder of the impossible puzzle championships. Favourite: Ham always makes time for a foot spa every weekend to soak his bunions.
Character Bio for Malcolm. Image shows the silhouette side view of a skeletons head and shoulders, wearing a top hat. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Skeleton (human). Fun Fact: If Malcolm was a biscuit he would be a malted milk because he is full of calcium. Favourite: Malcolm's favourite pastime is dressing up and reading in the Forgotten Library.
Character bio for the Trolls. Image shows the silhouette of a smiling troll with unruly hair holding up an envelope. Bio reads as follows - Name: Kip, Knobbles, Gribbles, Gorge, and Albert. Magical Identity: Trolls. Fun Fact: This gang of trolls love to read books about animals in the Library of Forgotten Books, and hope to host their own nature show aimed at all of troll-kind called Beyond the Bridge. Favourite: Their most enjoyable weekend task is redecorating the troll room with multicoloured envelopes.
Character bio for Cobalt the Unicorn. Image shows the silhouette of the head of a unicorn. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Unicorn. Fun Fact: Cobalt's lifelong dream is to launch the world's first iridescent hoof-polish range. Favourite: Cobalt loves racing and their favourite race course is Doncaster.
Character bio for Guinevere the Witch. Image shows the silhouette of a witch holding up a wand with a leaf growing on her hat. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Witch. Fun Fact: Guinevere's most annoying habit is cackling loudly when at the cinema. Favourite: Guinevere enjoys working in her greenhouse planting herbs and making potions.
Character bio for Cadmus the Wizard. Image shows the silhouette of a wizard wearing a long pointed hat, a cape, and holding a staff. Bio reads as follows - Magical Identity: Wizard. Fun Fact: Cadmus only uses Spider's Legs from Grimm & Co for brewing insect-repelling potions. Favourite: Cadmus's favourite cheese is Manchego, which he enjoys whilst walking the Camino de Santiago from Spain to France.
Image shows the silhouette of a Christmas/Santa hat.
Silhouette of Aino the North Pole Elf holding a candy cane.

Pen Pal Post

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A great way to encourage mini (and not so mini) mortals to enjoy writing is to introduce them to some of Grimm & Co's most esteemed customers.
Each of the below listed magical beings is currently accepting and replying to post from the mortal realm. 

If you are yet to meet a dragon, write to Jacob Hunter and enquire about his cutlery hoard in his den at Wharncliffe Side.
Unsure about potion making? Write to Guinevere for tips on growing or sourcing your own ingredients. 
Perhaps you enjoy adventures or travel? There is barely a place Cadmus hasn't visited, and he can usually recommend the tastiest local cuisine.
Flicker the fairy, whilst shy, is interested in humans and their ability to fly in aeroplanes! Maybe you could let her know if you've ever taken a trip in one?
Perhaps you are a lonely unicorn and would like to get in touch with a fellow unicorn in a herd with four of their friends? 
Ham is the giant who lives at the top of the beanstalk at Grimm & Co. He has two adopted children so would be happy to share and hear ideas for games to play; after all, he is a puzzle master!
Five trolls reside hidden in the troll room at Grimm & Co and enjoy getting up to mischief; reading books about animals in the Forgotten Library, wallpapering with envelopes and hiding fresh troll trumps in the Lucky or Unlucky dip!
And if you have ever visited our Apothecary to the Magical in Rotherham, you will likely have met Malcolm, the resident lazy bones himself. This friendly skeleton can share book recommendations and reading literary creations submitted in letters.

Lastly, you can write to either Father Christmas to find out if you have made it onto the Nice List and send him your wish list, or to Aino the North Pole Elf who has a cheeky sense of humour and knows everything about shoemaking and building snowmen.

Notes for Mortals:

This service is provided through the mortal technical marvel of email, and letters should be shared via with your order number in the subject box followed by the name of the person you would like to send your letter to.
One reply per order number.

Letters can be typed or handwritten/drawn and then uploaded into an email (all our magical friends enjoy seeing a handwritten letter).
Please include your name, age and city of residence in the letter so our friends know a little bit about you before writing back.

Please note:
This is not a physical product, letters and returning correspondence will be shared via email only. Replies may take up to 14 days to come back from the magical realm.

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