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Image of the front cover of Write Your Own Scripts. The background is dark blue, with a yellow spine. The title is written in a white circle in the center, surrounded by illustrations of people filming various scenes, including a superhero flying, and a dinosaur roaring.  There are small amounts of text around the images explaining what the book can help with, including scene setting, and dramatic dialogue.
Image of the back cover of Write Your Own Scripts. The background is dark blue with a yellow spine. The title is written in a white circle in the center, and surrounded by illustrations of people on film sets, including a costume rail, and actors reading scripts. Information about the book is written within the white circle in blue text.

Write Your Own Scripts

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Do you dream of becoming a scriptwriter? This book will help you write all kinds of scripts - scary ones, exciting ones and hilariously silly ones. Each page is full of tips and ideas that will help you every step of the way - from making up characters to writing dialogue and putting on your very own show. With Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more inspiration.

Suitable for readers aged 8-14 years.

Author: Andrew Prentice, with illustrations by Hannah Peck.

Notes for Mortals:
Publisher:  Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781474969109
Number of pages: 112
Dimensions: ‎ 20.3 cm x 1.9 cm x 24.7 cm
Published:  02/04/2020

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